Give thanks loudly

13 Oct

red floral wallpaperGive thanks loudly.

Recently, I’ve noticed my voice getting quieter. I’ve become more indecisive (or maybe just have started to notice it more). I’ve not become more easy-going, just a little bit lax in the area of knowing and speaking my truths. Step one in my journey towards becoming my ideal lovely warrior. Give thanks loudly.

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21 Dec

red floral wallpaperBreathing is the pleasure of knowing myself.

When I breath deeply, I see the things that exist around me. Me as an individual at all my different ages. The sun in the leaves on the trees and me looking up. The air hitting my face and people quick around me. I am slow then.

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15 Dec

red floral wallpaperI went to the library today.

I went to the library and took out the other 8 items I was allowed. I went home and stepped over about 10 philosophy books and a pile of comics. I turned on my computer and had about 15 tabs open on a search for a gift and about 5 TED Talks to watch. There were too many choices I hadn’t ruled out. I had to close them all and start fresh.

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Apple Trees

21 Nov

red floral wallpaper I’ve begun having this conversation with myself about money and apple trees. If it would cost me nothing to give it away, why wouldn’t I?

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Walks in Libraries

18 Nov

I went for a walk in the library today. I had forgotten what it’s like to walk through the aisles with the intent of getting nothing (or one specific thing). I lose track of time in there. -Keep reading>


17 Nov

red floral wallpaperI’ve become interested with wallpaper, particularly those designs which call on nature as inspiration. -Keep reading>